13 definitions by evelyn waughfare

Of, pertaining to or sharing characteristics with the work or ideas of Noam Chomsky

see also Chomskyan
That's a kinda Chomskian position
by evelyn waughfare November 26, 2003
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1. Of, pertaining to or sharing characteristics with the visionary work or ideas of Noam Chomsky
2. A subscriber to Noam Chomsky's meticulously researched and very uncontroversial assertions
3. A person who isn't deluded
4. Extremely disciplined
5. A person who possesses a remarkably high IQ.
6. Someone who upsets hicks and fools without even trying.
see also chomskyan, chomskian, noam chomsky
'Noam Chomsky - now there's a dude who knows where its at'
by evelyn waughfare November 28, 2003
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America, post 9/11 and hence a definitive hypocrisy
'Police state? Amrica, after the Patriot Act, which was written BEFORE 9/11 and which was always intended to be the 1984 bill
by evelyn waughfare November 27, 2003
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New, alternate and more insulting word for charva
'Here, yar a right fuckin' mumpa, ye thick cunt'
by evelyn waughfare November 24, 2003
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Noun, NE England. New word for charva that succeeds as an insult due to the mumpas' reluctance to 'reclaim' the term. See charva for full description.
'HA HA HA, you witless, fetid, stinking, sweaty, fucking short-ass MUMPA'
by evelyn waughfare November 24, 2003
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In-depth definition, PART ONE:
CHARVA - Noun, usually the name given to the swine-hordes of unwanted bastard children who make up approximately one quarter of the native Newcastle population. The word is constructed through the corruption of the term CHARmless VAgrant. Their numbers are maintained by the inbreeding of charvae at approx 14 years old, which results in accidental pregnancy and produces the next generation of unloved barking cabbages. Because of the rapidly shrinking gene-pool that creates charvae, vital DNA-codes are being lost and quality is being dumped in favour of quantity. The prospects of being taught to use their brains, of being educated, of making a contribution to history, of earning money, of learning at least one skill, of manipulating their environment, of producing art or of ever being possessed of self-esteem are woefully low and this means that we all feel a strong pathos for charva under-fives. The charva learning curve is actually unique in the whole world, peaking as it does at 6 years old. This is mirrored in their physical development, which hits a ceiling of about 5 feet 5 inches for males and 4 feet 9 inches for charvettes, occasionally delivering us a towering giant of 5 foot 10. If they reach 14, then the whole cycle will repeat itself in an ever-growing downward spiral. Because of this accelerated procreation rate, charva girls are actually beginning to be BORN pregnant.
'Charva girls are actually beginning to be BORN pregnant.
by evelyn waughfare November 29, 2003
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In-depth definition, PART TWO:
Charvae are distinct in physicality even when naked, because of their lank, gaunt, slight appearance and the look of borrowed flesh, hanging slightly loose from their bones due to their peculiar dietary habits, which lead to acute malnourishment. This gives their skin a kind of thin, translucent quality and what charvae might think of as their six-pack is actually their lower rib-cage, lending them a particularly whippet-like form. Charvae posture while clothed is still conspicuous and features numerous defects - bandy legs, bent backs and an ugly asymmetric swagger when in motion, due to one hand of the male being down their shell-suit bottoms and the hands of the female constantly pulling theirs up. The charva food-cupboard that sustains these frail bodies
comprises tinned hot-dogs, baked beans, pasta'n'sauce (for the posher ones) and may even stretch to a packet of dairylea, all bought in mountainous bulk on giro day from Netto (or maybe Morrisons if they're walking home). The charva attitude to food seems to be 'if it doesn't come in a tin, its bad for you', while fresh vegetables and fruit are considered to be 'for nonces'. White cider is the chosen beverage, which is taken several times a day at intervals, with class B drugs for added interest. Celebratory splash-out meals are had from time to time, when charvae 'get raj' at McDonalds then get mortal drunk on a fine wine, such as Lambrini, at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. This is often the time when both male and female charvae will piss in a crowded shopping street; it is also when the males will exhibit their tiny genital sets for supposed comic effect, only to be met with a sympathetic silence.
The charva attitude to food seems to be 'if it doesn't come in a tin, its bad for you'
by evelyn waughfare November 29, 2003
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