36 definitions by europopian

To make together fresh varities of foods to suppliment a proper diet.
To prepare food together collected by stock. Then maintaining a healthy diet, wieght and to keep stamina.
To broil, grill, bake, smoke etc. blends of foods for a meal to eat.
The town on Slatington thinks to cook is weird.

Not alot of men I had met know how to cook.

I am thee Orange Cook Queen of my house with specialty of haddock and oranges and chocolate orange ice cubes.
by europopian September 16, 2009
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Coming from Curtis.
Family Buchanan.
Often used amongst royal families to name a girl after kindness to all.
Able to share what the world feels.
not afraid of the suffering and diseased and often naming over the poor, selfliss, and disobediant.
can delete harm.
Seeks justice for valuables.
Courtney told her it was okay, the damage is done, there comes a brighter day.
by europopian April 24, 2009
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from Scotland. Toughest of the three tribes. Strongest legs. Thickest skin. Hulky, but not that the fat can see. Excellent with controlling alcohol. Sometimes breaks things from their muscles in use, they're kinda used to the E in effort. Personalities like cute little fresh flowers.
You're not nothing unless you're a Scotts. For Scotts anyway.
by europopian September 7, 2009
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a girl who doesn't understand a Scottsman. Especially when the scottsman is ready to tear them through a rough for mot making any sense and stinking the clean.
Fucking stupid girl.

Quit your fucking stupid girl drugs.

You stupid girl there are babies.
by europopian September 7, 2009
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a deathly light tone spoken by someone that kills.

a deathly light source to stun.
girl: "Her tone is death defying."

little boy "What ga?"

girl "Leave her alone; that's enough. She's going to pass out, ew."
by europopian September 17, 2009
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A gemini man that can also be called Amazing. He is one of a kind. Thee best man.
A cowboy made your clothes. A cowboy made your dinner. A cowboy made you a house. A cowboy made you love. A cowboy made you. He's a Godly cowboy.
by europopian September 2, 2009
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A place where insane people live. Insane food. A town with liars and dark people that try to find wierd times to hang out with normal people. Insane things to do. Infested with drugs and losers. Insane talk. Poor tastes. Some kind of wierd compulsiveness and just completely lack self confidense. Kindof like a hobo. They make up places they work or things that they are doing. Are ugly and have deranged looks in their eyes. On top of that they are assholes. The town itself is just sad. They are wierd and scary.
Everyone I have met from Palmerton has lied while they talked to me.

The girl from Palmerton walked to my house to bum a cigarette off me and told me she was at a wild party in her town when she was 14 years old. Talked about a boy. "Yeah we did star six nine."

The boy from Palmerton lied about his job and asked me on a date, he seemed slow.
by europopian September 2, 2009
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