1 definition by ethan165341267

When two nerds challenge eachothers skill at a video game, trashtalking about the stupidest things ever. People ask for them on youtube, usually after seeing a gameplay montage. 1v1's will always be posted on youtube. They have descriptions like this:
so i ran in2 dis random in ranked, and this kid was talkin shit an i 5-0ed him
x S IN ii p3 R: aight dawgs dis is ma 19th sniper montage dis is 4 da fans an haterz keep hatin
oOSC0P3SOo: dude ur trash
x S IN ii p3 R: stfu n00b
oOSCOP3SOo: 1v1 scrub
x S IN ii p3 R: i dun play bk's. stfu random
by ethan165341267 January 30, 2009
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