8 definitions by eternalcrux

Damn mang, all those beers got me fucking TANKED. I can't even walk straight.

You feel like getting tanked tonite?
by eternalcrux December 29, 2004
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A serious curseword with a versatile usage
ie Man, my phone got butted today.
ie Are you butted tonight, or can you do soemthing?
ie Butted. (by itself describes the immediate situation and how fuckin butted it is)
by eternalcrux December 12, 2003
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A word used to describe the protagonist in a situation, or the one with the most power, commonly used by junglists.
Hey selekta, change the television channel.

What did you say to me selekta?
by eternalcrux December 12, 2003
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Thats a nice spliff. Lets go bunnit.
Im going to bunn this dog if he doesn't stop barking.
Bunn the sensi.
by eternalcrux December 12, 2003
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A junglist term for a spliff the size of a sausage =D
by eternalcrux December 12, 2003
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slang for someone selling marijuana
That guy sells mad herb, hes a serious ganja smuggler.
by eternalcrux December 13, 2003
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