4 definitions by escyr

The first person at the front of a single line of moving traffic.
1st guy) Why is this traffic moving so slow.
2nd guy) There's a guy ahead of us that is driving the exact speed limit.
1st guy) He's the slowest common denominator
by escyr July 10, 2012
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Tight pants worn by babies & toddlers that make their legs look like sausages.

Can also apply to adults.
Mother: Look how cute baby Vincent is with his chubby little legs.
Father: Those pants make his legs look like sausages. He's wearing sausage pants!
by escyr April 16, 2022
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Sweatpants. Typically sold at Walmart and worn by many Walmart customers.
Boyfriend: Babe, are you ready to go to the grocery store?
Girlfriend: Not if you're wearing those Walmart pants!
Boyfriend: What's wrong with my sweatpants?
Girlfriend: You're going out in public, try to dress like a mature adult.
by escyr April 16, 2022
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Child: Daddy, what are you drinking?
Father: It's burp juice.
Child: Why is it called burp juice?
Father: Because when I drink it, it makes me burp.
by escyr April 16, 2022
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