1 definition by equivokate

To toast, cheers, or touch glasses of any type of alcohol together with your drinking partner(s) in the spirit of goodwill, health, luck, or congratulations.

In many cultures, it's considered to be good luck to make eye contact when doing so (and bad luck not to).

Some people also follow a tradition of tapping the bar with the glass after clicking glasses (and before drinking) to express fondness for the business/bar and the people who work there.
A few examples of what's said during the clinking of glasses; each culture/group has their own:

- Cheers!
- Salud!
- Tchin Tchin!
- Slainte
- May the best of your yesterdays be the worst of your tomorrows.
- Sweethearts and wives (may they never meet)
by equivokate February 14, 2012
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