11 definitions by enterthedavid

a cool way to say yeah, or ya. Or sometimes ha.
"Hey, did ya hear that Hanna and Joe are going out?"
by enterthedavid May 20, 2005
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Something that stupid people say after doing something stupid.
"Im cool, Im cool," Jeff said after falling into a snowbank.
by enterthedavid March 4, 2005
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Means whatever the hell you want it to. The word became popular through the movie "Dude, Where's My Car?"
Dude, the shibby is shibby.
by enterthedavid June 18, 2005
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an Instant Message abbreviation of the ever so popular comeback, Your Mom Goes To College
tumom674: so joe, how many dix did u suck last nite?
thatsnotfunny9: uh none, so ymgtc!
tumom674: that burned man.
by enterthedavid June 19, 2005
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1. Piece of Shit
2. Parent Over Shoulder
3. Positively Outstanding Service
do I really have to put in an example?
by enterthedavid June 21, 2005
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1. A very silly and random word used as a gentle repercussion or insult.
2. When used with certain explatives the word becomes stronger.
1. "Hey, sillypants, stop raiding the fridge!"
2. "Hey fucking sillypants, the door's over there, you're walking into a wall!"
by enterthedavid March 4, 2005
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A funny word used in some cartoon which I cant remember.
Not so fast, poopypants!
by enterthedavid March 4, 2005
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