2 definitions by emboda

When someone mentions a post or message and you remember seeing it but don't remember where you saw it.
Person 1: Didn't you see that post about The Dress on Twitter?
Person 2: Oh, I think I saw that at a distance.

Person 1: Did you hear about that man doing yoga on the subway tracks?
Person 2: No way, where'd you see it?
Person 1: I don't know, I think I saw it at a distance.
by emboda February 12, 2016
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A motion where a person will bow their head and touch their forehead to the inside of one elbow, while sweeping their other arm to keep it parallel with the forehead-elbow arm. Commonly used as a celebration by athletes during sporting events
Wow, even Lebron has started dabbing after scoring!
by emboda January 26, 2016
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