24 definitions by el

Someone who spends all their time on the computer surfing the net or playing games. Similar to couch potato.
You spent seven hours on the internet creating meanings for words on urban dictionary? Wow, You're such a mouse potato
by el January 7, 2005
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JB, stop calling yourself Zeb you numpty
by el February 11, 2004
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A word to descride an extremly immature person, generally younger than yourself.
A person acting like a peen is said to have peenish behaviour.
Oh my god, look at that peen!!! No theres like 30 of them!!
by el January 2, 2004
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An animal created by the zoology dragon in the labs of rathergood.com
Cow!...Cube!...Cowuuube! Cow!...Cube!...Cowuuube!
by el February 12, 2004
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1. popular swearword in Australia(equivalent to damn)

2. affix used to add emphasis to a word.
1.Bloody Hell!
(or stronger: Bloody fuckin' hell!)

2.That was fan-bloody-tastic

That was pee-bloody-thetic
by el January 7, 2005
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euphemism for the act of rape, i.e. surprise sex; intercourse you weren't expecting to have
The diamond store billboard read, "Surprise her. She'll love it." I'm actually fairly certain she won't.
by el January 19, 2005
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Non-descript thing. Can be substituted for any object. Slang.
"I don't give a flying gobshite!"
"I'll bet you ten gobshites..."
"Suck my gobshite"
by el April 1, 2005
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