3 definitions by eirwio3urskjdfu358uewijkfrwk3u

a. An association of persons of the same trade or pursuits, formed to protect mutual interests and maintain standards.

b. A similar association, as of merchants or artisans, in medieval times.

2. Ecology One of four groups of plants, the lianas, epiphytes, saprophytes, and parasites, having a characteristic mode of existence that involves some dependence on other plant life
we have a guild friendship.
by eirwio3urskjdfu358uewijkfrwk3u December 6, 2008
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is someone who eat humans when they are purple and are a man, they also on come out during night time to eat young women,
OmG there a purple people men eater we better run fast.
by eirwio3urskjdfu358uewijkfrwk3u December 6, 2008
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is someone who eat humans when they are purple and are a man, they also on come out during night time to eat young women,
OmG there a purple people men eater we better run fast.
by eirwio3urskjdfu358uewijkfrwk3u December 6, 2008
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