3 definitions by effect

Despite popular belief, we are -not- all conformists. We are however, all influenced by sources other than ourselves. An 'individual' would be a person whom does what he/she wishes to, for reasons that he/she has justified themselves, rather than doing something because someone else deems it as correct, or 'cool', a conformist does the opposite. In short, a conformist gives way too much of a shit about what others think.

Sadly, the polulation has decided to categorise themselves as one thing or another, leading to so many labels, that we just assume that everyone is being a conformist slut, the vast majority of the time.

The whole "Emo" thing is the current conformist favourite, even though the concept is that "Nobody understands me." and "I'm so different.", when everyone undergoes this transformation, being a basketcase is now 'cool'.
I say we don't give them psychological help, and instead leave them to bleed from the wrists, crying, until they die.
Conformist Emo Slut: "Nobody understands me."

Anyone not bound by society's grip: "Please, stop moaning, and instead continue with the whole self-harming thing. You're not bleeding enough."
by effect November 19, 2005
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A performer of music which has become painfully mainstream, one of the common weak r & b and rap stereotypes.
His 'music' generally contains short, simple words; so those who underwent a limited education due to spending far too long in a juvenile centre can understand the point that he is trying to get across; if he had a point, that is. Note that every other line must contain a word such as "Ho", "Bitch", or "Spank".
This is the kind of performer those whom cannot think for themselves tend to follow, and in a pathetic attempt to conform, decide to buy every album he has made, as buying 'music' made by a convicted black male is now cool.

I honestly don't understand the attraction this sort of music has to our generation.

To me, this guy makes Hillary Duff sound good. And well, she should burn in hell.
On the subject of 50 cent...

I have nothing against those of the black culture, and respect them entirely.
However, I am -way- too white for this bullshit music.
by effect November 19, 2005
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To be a very large fat black male that grows weed but acts so white that he can't even be gangster
Look at this mocha latte mother fucker, he won't even share a spliff, what a buster.
by effect December 8, 2014
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