12 definitions by ebola

Canadian version of the word "A-Hole." Used in place of asshole.
Jimmy you freakin' eh-hole, that hurt!
by ebola February 23, 2003
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White trash / Hick lingo for a distance. Also known as 'down the road a piece'.
"Well ya'll's can just head down dat' road th'r. It's a pretty good haul ta Wichita but I reckon ya'll can make it down there by 'bout half past noon."
by ebola September 28, 2003
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The art of being a ho, commonly practiced by whores and slores. Can be very dangerous if mastered.
Dude, stay away from that slore, she's well versed in the arts of hodeism!
by ebola February 22, 2003
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A violent, percise, unprovoked, outburst, with use of a sharp object.
My god, that guy just brysoned that guy in the head with a knife. for no reason!!!
by ebola February 24, 2003
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Pathetic little annoying fag who likes cock and can't live without attention from people he has never met.
Ben the sad little pathetic fool who pretends he has illneses for attention
by ebola October 21, 2004
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A shortened version of the once common term; "clueless newb."
Van, you're such a damn clewb.
by ebola February 22, 2003
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