9 definitions by earlysnowdrop

Acronym for High Income Not Rich Yet. Used to describe someone who has a high-paying job and affluent lifestyle. More than likely used by the person who is a HINRY to let others know he/she will be rich(er) some day.
As a HINRY I can afford to live in Laguna Beach, I just don't have an ocean view...yet.
by earlysnowdrop November 1, 2009
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Not here to make friends.
Statement made by participants on reality TV shows when stating their case to the camera on why they are behaving the way they are--usually in a somewhat antisocial manner.
During one on one interview with contestants of reality television shows, a participant will state, "I am here to win. I am NHTMF."
by earlysnowdrop September 24, 2009
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Acronym for "documented instance of public eating." Coined by Hollywood publicist Jeremy Walker. Refers to the tendency of journalists from glossy magazines to report on the eating habits of celebrity women (actresses/models) who in an unusual frequency report their fondness for comfort food often in large quantities. It is not clear if the reported love of food and ravenous appetite is reality or part of a show.
Reporting the DIPE of the starlet makes her seem more down-to-earth and accessible.
by earlysnowdrop February 18, 2011
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Having a reaction of the green (environmental) kind rather than the reaction a normal person would have in a similar situation.

Also, the realization that in a particular situation, it might not be easy being green (environmental).
I had a Kermit moment when I realized the packaging could not be recycled and it was my only choice at the store.

I had a Kermit moment when I looked in the garbage can, my first thought was why wasn't that recycled!
by earlysnowdrop April 25, 2009
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The act of forwarding an email to a group of people, which in turn is forwarded to another group of people causing the information in the email to be viewed by a rapidly increasing number of people. Similar to the effects of viral video activity on the internet.
The information in this email is confidential. Please don't cascade it to other member of the club.
by earlysnowdrop October 17, 2012
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The current state of being after some dramatic change has transpired. What replaces the expected, usual, typical state after an event occurs. The new normal encourages one to deal with current situations rather than lamenting what could have been.
Housing costs plummeting is the new normal.

Having less discretionary income after the stock market crash is the new normal.
She expected to be saddened by his departure and accepted her feelings as the new normal.
Spending less on entertainment is the new normal during economic downturns.
Now that the baby was born, having less free time was the new normal for the new parents.
by earlysnowdrop September 23, 2009
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An architect who designs luxury doghouses.
My barkitect designed a doghouse for my French Bulldog, which included tile flooring, hand-painted wallcoverings and a replica of a fireplace with a painting of my dog over the mantel.
by earlysnowdrop June 28, 2012
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