5 definitions by dykeassbitch

when a bitch is so nasty and anorexic that she has suacer like dimples on the bottom of her back
Man that ho has back dimples?
by dykeassbitch February 19, 2003
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skoal smokeless tabacco none of that bitch ass copenhagen
Cigarettes are for pussy's where's machew?
by dykeassbitch February 19, 2003
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an expression when you realize you are a pissed off, washed up hockey player yelling at high school hockey players who are cancers.
Where's machew?
by dykeassbitch February 19, 2003
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When a girl is so fucking skinny that she has no figure whatsoever and has a body shaped like a bottle of water
by dykeassbitch February 19, 2003
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a fucked up thing only dave says which makes no fucking sense an has nothing to do with anything
by dykeassbitch February 19, 2003
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