20 definitions by ducksRpeople2

That Bill can't hold a job, mooches money off others, has a sketchy legal history, and tries to get with girls he has no business trying to get with, makes him a scuzzbucket.
by ducksRpeople2 September 13, 2011
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unlike "make it rain" this is when you toss a crumpled up dollar bill next to a stripper who's performing onstage at a club.
Fat Eddy went up to the stage to make it lame with his seven dollars.
by ducksRpeople2 August 25, 2011
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when you wipe your ass even though you haven't taken a shit recently--just to make sure it's all clean and good down there. A safety wipe is also the cleanest, most effective way to scratch your anus.
When Amy invited Bob back to her place, he did a safety wipe in her bathroom, in case she ended up going down on him.
by ducksRpeople2 September 13, 2011
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About an hour after lunch I spent a good ten minutes in the bathroom making room for dinner.
by ducksRpeople2 August 19, 2011
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the act of taking a shit, no matter what city, state or country you are in.
Chip got Montezuma's Revenge in Mexico and spent almost half his vacation in Shitcago.
by ducksRpeople2 August 19, 2011
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when a man urinates after sex and his piss forks due to semen remaining in the urethra or at the tip of the penis that obstructs the flow.
Joe always gets piss on the toilet seat and even on the floor next to the toilet because of his post-sex forkstream.
by ducksRpeople2 September 5, 2011
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