2 definitions by drizthewiz

*slang*, it means pretty much whatever you want it to mean. i use it to descride something i like similar to the slang word dope.
bill: whats up man im getting pretty bored when is jesus gonna be here?

bob: he should be here any minute

jesus: whats gud you guys i gotta half gallon of captian morgan. haha CHUNK
by drizthewiz June 30, 2009
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from the people that brought you youtube comes youporn!the site where you can post videos of yourself jacking off, and then have some horny fuck jack off to you!
with the cool videos that you can put your mouse over and preview with a couple slides to show you what the video looks like so you cant blame anybody when you click on a gay video because you could have previewed it first!
(also know to give you viruses and crash your computer)
example 1: im fucking bored and horney...lets see whats up on youporn....ok yes i like that.....wait is that a dude...oh shit thats not right oh god is he really sticking his finger there...WOW!

example 2: okay so i need to rub one off. okay this looks good. awww nice im done. click. SHIT MY COMPUTERS FUCKED....oh well least i jearked one first.
by drizthewiz June 30, 2009
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