29 definitions by dref said right

something that sucks, but it sure is better than instant messaging.
email sucks, but you have to give it credit for being better than instant messaging.
by dref said right June 23, 2004
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foolishly wrong or stupid.
Liking rap, watching MTV, listening to Good Charlotte, etc.

Only inept people watch MTV.
by dref said right June 17, 2004
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A retarded and pointless way of insulting someone. Cursing in arguments shows that either A) the person is weak, B) the argument is weak, or C) both. The answer is usually C. However, the ones who are offended by curses are just as weak and pitiful as the ones who curse in arguments. Cursing for an insult is just as pitiful, for it shows you don't have brains to come of with a good insult. However cursing is DEFINATELY not immature, nor is it bad. It's not like I'm afraid of a word I'll say it fuck fuck fuck fuck, however using it in regular life is just pointless.
I don't curse, not because I'm a chicken, but because it's pointless.
by dref said right June 2, 2004
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1. A good song by Fuel.
2. shining; sparkling
1. Shimmer is a cool song.
2. Shimmer gold.
by dref said right June 13, 2004
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To raise higher, usually in a job status.
I got promoted from vice president to president.
by dref said right June 10, 2004
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The worst idea this site has ever came up with. Some forbidden definitions are:
Salman Rushdie
Good Charlotte
anything with a website copied from the address bar

Although some forbidden definitions are arguable. And my second best definition is Salman Rushdie and it never came on. It's just lucky I don't delete my urbandictionary emails until they come on.
by dref said right July 3, 2004
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