1 definition by drebinthebiratepoberts

OK - for those actually curious, its ment to be an insult to an aristocrat (or in modern-day terms, the upper class). So the setup in modern context, a person committing a terrible act (be it sexual, obscene or essentially immoral) is questioned/apprehended by someone of authority. When the person committing the act is asked regarding what he/she is doing/had done or is asked to justify his/her actions, they'll say an ending punch-line of 'The Aristocrat's' essentially implying they are part of the upper class and what they just did is what the upper class (or an Aristocrat) normally do. The ending result is dark humor to mock the upper class and make the apprehended person appear witty.
Police (a.k.a the "Agent") :"Sir, you have killed innocent people, held hostage several others and have robbed 3 liquour stores after which you went on a drunk rampage and raped an small girl. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Person : The Aristocrats.
by drebinthebiratepoberts April 19, 2016
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