12 definitions by dragon

Shut the fuck up, bitch!
Shut the fuck up, bastard!
STFUB, you get on my nerves!
by dragon January 18, 2005
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A force that is not heard nor seen, comes and goes with a flash of red or blue and your flag.
"Whered my flag go??!??"
by dragon June 20, 2003
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The high school where there is absolutly no parking. Where they build a Junior lot that fills by 6:50, and where the cops get tingly feelings by tickiting you for being in the no stopping no standing zones even though there is no other possible parking. The high school that you pull up to a half hour before homeroom starts, and cringe as you realize there is not a single space on either side of the road, and the neigborhood is full...you say a few words of prayer as you pull in front of the no parking no standing sign, hope for the best only to walk out after 13th period to find a $125 ticket placed ever so elegantly under your wiper blades. Cherokee, the school that takes pleasure in using huge orange cones to block off what little parking we do have; the school where you wish your friends would just fail their license tests so they don't hog up your potential parking spaces.
I have received 5 tickets in the past few months for no parking no standing. The announcement made today: "Students, we need to keep a good relation with Brush Hollow, don't park the wrong way...dont park there at all..."
Best example, the HUGE, pointless orange cones.
by dragon April 15, 2005
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The name of a character from shrek and also another name for a legendary black dragon statue.
by dragon September 23, 2003
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Skopec thinks he’s so cool but he’s just annoying. He hooks up with any girl willing to make out with him. Skopec has no shame even though everyone around him (not so) secretly hates him. His beard looks like pubes and he will stick his dick into anything and anyone. His face is often the start of conversations involving strange things such as space orgies. He’s a loner and a gamer that obsesses over his skill in video games even though he’s really fucking trash. His arrogance will make you want to rip off his dick and feed it to Cerberus as you push him into the River Styx.
Person 1: God, who’s that asshole hitting on your girlfriend? His face looks like a dick.

Person 2: That’s Skopec, he’s such a douche bag. I can’t wait to kick his ass after school today.
by dragon June 26, 2018
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When the captain of the football team is a virgin. He’s actually gay, but only for the male swimming team solely for how they shave their legs. He enjoys baking pies and has an IQ equal to twice that of a chihuahua.
Swimmer 1: That guy made me a pie yesterday.

Swimmer 2: Dude, he’s such a Skopec.
by dragon July 26, 2018
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When a car of any type becomes filthy on the inside and begins to smell of rotten eggs it is then a Skopec. Most often, the inside of Skopec’s contain old food containers, mud, and/or dead bugs. You do not want to let your car become a Skopec.
Guy 1: Who’s giving you a ride?
Guy 2: Tod.

Guy 1: Oh shit, don’t drive with him. He drives a total Skopec.
by dragon January 28, 2019
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