38 definitions by dk

Used to express dissatisfaction or boredom. This sucks.
Maa...i just want to get this paper over with!
by dk February 23, 2005
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1. To be unable to see all sides of the situation or idea.

2. To be naive and unable to accept true facts proven by greater men.
Dan: Hey Nick, Canada's money is worth more than American.
Nick: Nahhh, Nahh... you're wrong, Canada is monopoly money.
Dan: Aite nick you have narrow mindedness, I get a Tally.
by dk October 2, 2007
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1. It is an ancient japanese martial art only for the bravest and stongest of the world.
2. A word that can substitute for almost every word in a sentence as long as it is slightly modified.
1. That young child is ready to begin phase one of Wambo training
2. I live in the Wambited states of Wamberica. My daddy served in the wamby and lost his right eye, but he flew a wambo in his yard till the day that he day he died
by dk June 21, 2004
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If the crack-of-dawn is early, then the crack-of-the-crack-of-dawn is even earlier. Hence, crack-of-crack.
I gotta get up at the crack-of-crack tomorrow 'cause I'm driving to Bakersfield. No Chappelle show for me!
by dk March 12, 2004
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Dark Knight is the coolest dude alive. His insane skills both on and off the computer amaze and astound all, especially the ladies. Can frequently be found on comic message boards hitting on other men's girlfriends and underage girls from Canada.
Dark Knight, you are the man!
by dk January 12, 2004
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The most leet person in the world. Everyone below = fags who wish they were me.
by dk August 5, 2003
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A cyberhobo works and travels around like a regular hobo, but rides around for free on the net instead of hopping trains.
The dot-commer turned cyberhobo when the bubble burst.
by dk December 27, 2005
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