1 definition by dizzlerizzle

The place where Rich white kids, smart Asian kids, and horny Indian kids come to learn that Biochemistry is the subject of Satan. Oftentimes, these 4 years reflect regret in not learning Korean (to decipher professors) instead of learning Spanish (to decipher your patients). These 4 years are filled with defining "firsts" Ex: First time White Kid A screwed an Asian Girl. First time Indian Kid A got laid period. First time Asian girl tried lesbian porn to pay for her abusive boyfriend's car insurance.
Overall: any prolonged experience that includes alcohol, 8am clinics with rectal exams, lab coats with unexplainable stains, and unsurmountable debt.
I went to Dental School because I did not get into Medical School.

I attend Medical School because my Indian father told me he would send me to India to get married if I didn't.

Did you need a refill for that Vicodin? No problem, I went to medical school for a reason; to become a Board Certified drug dealer.
by dizzlerizzle April 5, 2006
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