3 definitions by dixieRebel

Google's mobile phone and tablet operating system, a direct rival to Apple's iOS. Where iOS is more about simplicity and flashy looks, Android is about customization and control over the hardware that you bought with your hard-earned dollar. (In most cases, less of your dollars, compared to iPhone/iPad)
iPhone owner: Man, I love this new iPhone4. Angry Birds renders great on the new display, but I wish it was just a bit faster.

Android owner: Well, why don't you compile an overclockable kernel then?

iPhone owner: I Google searched for one, and there ain't any.

Android owner: Lol
by dixieRebel August 23, 2011
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In contrast to a gutter slut... high heels, miniskirt, smeared makeup, and a martini glass. A ditch slut would have jeans, tshirt, no teeth, beer can, and be barefoot.
by dixieRebel June 18, 2011
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The typical laundromat. Usually located in a part of town most people don't care to visit. Here you can see all sorts of characters from middle class all the way down to the tweakers that wander in from the back alley looking for spare change.

Typically located next to other ghetto destinations such as small convenience or liquor stores and dollar stores.
Damn I'm out of clean socks again. Time to head to the ghettomat and do some laundry.

(Text message) Honey the washer broke down so I'm at the ghettomat doing laundry, I'll be home in an hour.
by dixieRebel January 27, 2016
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