37 definitions by dirty

removable gold or platinum teeth that go over top your real teeth
When I go out, I always rock my chain and fronts.
by dirty August 20, 2003
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a compliment that could mean you did somethin nice or your are attractive or some other positive thing
Can I borrow 2 G's?
-Sure bitch
Thanks! You're a doll!!
by dirty November 3, 2003
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Five-O took my license, guess I be takin da government limo to da jam!
by dirty October 15, 2003
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A term describing that you deserved whatever situation happened to you.
Snitz is an asshole, I'm glad someone gave him a black eye...
"Yo Snitz! How's the eye? Looks good on ya beeyoch!"
by dirty March 11, 2004
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To request something from another either in a positive or negative way. Also, as a request to not do/try something again.
"Run that wallet!", "Run that purse!" (negative)
"Run that song again."(positive)
"Don't run that bull**** again!"
by dirty November 25, 2004
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A Punk is an unborn baby, aborted or not, that is placed into a jar for study. A Pickled Punk is a dead baby in a jar that is used as a carnival attraction. Babies with deformed features or other abnormalities are preferred to healthy looking babies.
Your brother should have been a pickled punk, what's wrong with that kid?
by dirty February 8, 2005
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