15 definitions by dillon

to fuck someone in their ass, and ride them down the stairs.
I tabagoned adeel malik.
by dillon February 20, 2005
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in harewood, it's when somebody pokes a chick, and then five of his friends line up, and then poke her also. (till she pops like a balloon)
"hey, did you harewood high five her with bob, joe, phil, dillon and donnie?"
" oh yes, till she popped."
by dillon December 21, 2004
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onrop is the word 'porno' backwards which derivied from the adventures of yag and gaf in the search yssup
yag and gaf were searching for yssup while on the onrop computer.
by dillon February 26, 2003
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someone who lives next to oak super market and more often then not does crack matt cutser
Dude matt custer stop smoking crack you oakie
by dillon February 1, 2005
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Racial Termonology for an asian person (includes Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Nepalese, Afghanistan etc...)
Scooter from Coronation street was the original Skip Creature
by dillon March 16, 2005
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Applies to the insertion of the finger into the vaginal passage with the simultaneous insertion of the thumb in the anus, then a the two digits are massaged together as crumbling an oxo cube.
Ask Jon 'Oxo Cube Boy' Ore
by dillon March 16, 2005
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The insertion of ones thumb into the anus with the simultaneous insertion of ones index finger into the vaginal opening. finger and thumb are then massaged together resembling the crumbling of an oxo cube.
Ask Jon 'oxo cube boy' Ore
by dillon March 10, 2005
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