1 definition by digity12345

Till Lindemann is a German singer in the best band in the world Rammstein( until he is spit out of hell and starts another band). Till enjoys pain and, his pass times include whipping himself, doing it with your GF, lighting himself on fire, bashing himself on the head with a mic, and killing anyone who opposes hisband mates(except for flake, Flake is gay)Till Lindermann is the idea of a BAMF. He challenges the definition of masculine. It is actually a myth that Chuck Noris is the biggest BA in the world. Till once beat chucks ass and thats why he is no longer the main character in any movie. After Chuck got his ass kicked Till threatened to kill him if he saw him in an other crapy movie. A bear once threatened Lindemann. Till showed him the knee pound manuver, and the bear ate its self knowing it would be a less painful way to die. Till has four kids, one's mother is not known accourding to wikipedia, this could hint, that he did infact do the dirty dirty with your girlfriend. Till is a scary man who kill you if he felt like it. North Korea stoped its nuclear program because Germany threatened to send till there with a flogging whip( Bullets cant kill him) contrary to popular beleif. Till (He hates pop music). Till ist der Meister.
Till Lindemann
by digity12345 July 24, 2009
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