3 definitions by dianna.10

they are radical feminists, they say they just want equality when really they want privilege and if you don't do what they say they will send their social media feminazi army against you until you are banned. they encourage women to be fat and everyone to be gay. You will see feminazi if you replace the word CIS from tumblr and replace it with jew
The feminist sends her feminazi army to report a CIS straight white male for recommending a diet for her so she does not die from a heart attack
by dianna.10 January 7, 2016
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to interrupt someone while doing an important speech
John : i would like to thank all of my fans for vo-
allyson: WAIT A SECOND! Lauren should of gotten that award

John just kanye wested
by dianna.10 January 7, 2016
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to interrupt someone while doing an important speech
John : i would like to thank all of my fans for vo-
allyson: WAIT A SECOND! Lauren should of gotten that award

John just kanye wested
by dianna.10 January 7, 2016
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