4 definitions by dgeezy

When trying to impress with his vocabulary by using the word 'efficacious' rather than 'effective', the man was actually more efficacious at sounding like an ass.
by dgeezy May 12, 2015
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A delicious combination on Yagermeister and Gatorade (dillon and clifton)
"dude i heard there was mass gatormeister at the party.
totally bro, i was geekin."
by dgeezy January 8, 2008
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an Asian person with a crunt .
"I hear Taijikuwana is a cruntasian.
I wouldn't doubt it..
Yeah, you're probably right bro"
by dgeezy January 8, 2008
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a crusty cunt; a vagina with any type of crusty substance surrounding the vaginal area.
"So did you finger Britney last night?
No man she had the nastiest crunt. I was geekin."
by dgeezy January 8, 2008
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