1 definition by devine_brutality


HARDCORE KIDZ:a life style associated with but not limited to deathcore music. the hardcore lifestyle lives on forever but starts between the ages of 15 and 25. hardcore kidz are infatuated with METAL,THE BRUTALITY OF LIFE,THE DARK SIDE OF THINGS,INSANITY ect.

the fashion of hardcore kidz usualy consist of anything from cutoff band shirtz with tigh jeans and skateshoes,to cargo shorts cut off shirts and skate shoes

tattoos are very popular in this community as it is a way to express your love for the hardcore lifestyle and yourself

the hair of a hardcore kid can vary from long metal hair to short anime hair
the one thing all hardcore kidz have in common is that they all love the dark side of things n love metalllllllllllll
a typical convo. between hardcore kidz after a metal show

hardcore kid #1hey dude did you see that pit in the job for a cowboy stage.

hardcore kid#2fuck yea that shit was pure brutality.

hardcore kid#1fuck yea dude that was sick i was goin insane.
by devine_brutality August 9, 2009
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