21 definitions by deplemisher

The formal process preceeding an all expense paid trip to jail
I was incarcerated before my all expense paid trip to jail.
by deplemisher April 25, 2003
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1. The Grafenberg spot is an area on the anterior or front wall of the vagina, between the opening and the cervix, which is often found to be extremely sensitive to stimulation. It is hypothesized that the G-spot is either
1) a bundle of nerves coming from the clitoris, or
2) a gland or series of glands that produces lubrication. It is thought to be perhaps analagous to the prostate gland in men.
That bitch had a g-spot orgasm and sprayed her juice all over my face.
by deplemisher April 24, 2003
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1. Extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures; dissipation.
2. debaucheries (Orgies).
3. Archaic. Seduction from morality, allegiance, or duty.
The debauchery was so hard core last night that I won't be able to get another erection for weeks.
by deplemisher April 25, 2003
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1. Frozen Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
2. Officially NOT a component of an explosive
Those kids mixed dry ice and water, we'll throw them in jail and slap three felony charges on them after we get another donut.
by deplemisher April 25, 2003
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Translation: "none o yo godDAMN biniss, bitch"
-Often used when one cares not to waste the slightest effort, rather shut up the other arguer
-Effective measure taken to deplemish one's opponent
-coined by Warren "nerraw11" Thompson
person 1: Did ya fuck her?
person 2: Nunya
by deplemisher May 8, 2003
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1. Cordial greeting to a whack prick.
2. Often used to describe an obnoxious fool who has no goals or practical dreams and earns his pathetic existance by waxing every detail of his boring past.
John smokes pot all day and makes fun of well-balanced people because they care about things that matter. John is an anus licking loser.
by deplemisher April 25, 2003
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