21 definitions by deplemisher

1. Commonly used to indicate a 'higher level of confusion'
2. Inexplicable disorder which occurs in adolescents, some blame it on the humidity.
As dumb as a nerraw
by deplemisher April 24, 2003
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1. Intended to proceed to first name of a comrade, this term sums up the worthlessness earned by an individual after expectations have been broken.
I can't believe that bitch Rob didn't wake me up to go offroading with him.
by deplemisher April 25, 2003
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1. non-derogatory term used to identify a not-necessarily black brotha' from anotha' mutha'
2. used to express comraderie
C'mon nigguh, let's go blow up some dry ice bombs.
by deplemisher April 24, 2003
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1. unclear response to a rhetorical or stupid question aimed at passing the baton back to the other speaker
2. used to express intent to talk, though without indicating purpose
Person 1: Let's go to the mall to look at cloths.
Person 2: mep
by deplemisher April 24, 2003
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A hostile or warlike attitude, nature, or inclination; belligerency
Drinking too much Everclear often leads to belligerence.
by deplemisher April 25, 2003
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1. An irresistable member of an elite community, which focuses on preparing for the future, kicking major ass in all serious sports, and dominating the job market after graduation.
2. A well balanced student.
3. One who has a liberated mind and uses his fantastic mental powers to benefit the quality of life.
4. 90% of the time, a wealthy and successful leader in his area of occupation.
1. Son: Mommy, when I grow up I want to be a Longhorn.
Mother: Yer bucktooth ass ain't never gonna see nuthin' but that gas station town you been goin to school in fer the last 6 years you goat fuckin' little bastard.
2. You should be more like that stud Joe, he's a Longhorn.
by deplemisher April 25, 2003
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The formal process preceeding an all expense paid trip to jail
I was incarcerated before my all expense paid trip to jail.
by deplemisher April 25, 2003
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