34 definitions by deenie

gay dude: man this shit is gross is it raviolli? spaghetti? or just plain shit?
you: its ur face ugly ass
by deenie June 17, 2004
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a really great show to watch stoned.
its on practically everday on comedy central at like 930. its about four boys who usually find themselves in crazy situations, and dont really think its a huge deal. there are really random things in the show that are just soooo hilarious.

one of the best episodes i think is chinpokemon or weight gain 4000
cartman: but maaaam i wanjnakjfnskngsgjslkgjamlsfgl
mrs cartman: okay, dont pick ur nose hon

kyle: cartman u r such a fatass that when people walk down the street they say god damn thats a big fat ass
cartman: EHH
some guy: god damn thats a big fat ass
by deenie June 21, 2004
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anything that's hot, "phat" or just plain awesome. usually refering to a party. or like.. a cool song.
just listen to the song by lil kim. even though... the phrase has been around before that. -> gravel pit by wutang.
by deenie June 18, 2004
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that friggin car mr garison invented thats like 3 dicks.. south park is silly!
informer me snow come from jamaica licka boom bom dooo
by deenie July 9, 2004
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something u say when a person u dont really like has something shitty happen. inside u wanna just be like HAAAAA but u say this instead to seem sort of civilized... but inside ur really like YA BITCH YA IN UR FACE and ur high fiven urself and stuff.
that girl in school that thinks she's hot shit just got pregnant/an STD/arrested for crack
HAAAA sucks to be u.
by deenie June 16, 2004
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a temporary state. some make the most of it, some barely get through it, some do pretty good etc.. it's considered a gift from God, and in my opinion it is.

i think life has a deeper meaning however. check this, an eternity of life would be found in heaven and an eternity of death would be found in hell. so there must be another meaning apart from just having a pulse, lol or maintaining homeostasis.. cause umm.. plants don't have pulses.

according to the bible, life is a tree and death is a tree. however, the fruits of both are completely different.

'And out of the ground the LORD God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.'
Genesis 2:9
'And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die."'
Genesis 2:16

i think this occurs in our human life. we plant seeds all the time, and trees grow with all different fruit(results.. like planting a seed of not studying for tests will grow a tree of failure.) it's like we all have a our own garden, and some people have a big apple tree that they let everyone close to them eat from. this person is a tree of life.
read the bible, even if u don't believe in God. it's a great book to read, and apply to your life.
by deenie July 5, 2004
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