34 definitions by deenie

what u do at work or school when u wanna avoid doin real work but act like u are so ur authority figure gives u credit. it's really funny sometimes, but there are only certain days u can dilly dally, maybe twice a week. if u have no real work then dilly dally ALL U WANT!!
joe: yo school fuckin sucks, i have gym next
jane: i have science next and i dont feel like doin shit, so i'm gonna dilly dally till the period ends.
by deenie June 17, 2004
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a company that makes hair products. the most popular being hair straightners/irons. hot tools makes the best hair irons.
i only buy hot tools hair irons.
by deenie July 24, 2004
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when u love someone, and ur nice to them and shit.. then they talk behind ur back, or act like they are the greatest thing, or just in ur face offend u like a lil bitch. then ur like damn no wonder everyone hates u!
u know at least one person u just plain hate.
by deenie June 16, 2004
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what ur 11 year old brother says to be cool when ur friends are around.
you: hey bro, get me a coke.
friend: make that two junior
brother: golly gee sure sis oops umm i mean fo shizzle dogs.
mom: hon! don't use thug slang terms in my household!
by deenie July 3, 2004
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what u say about the guy whos really nice, but like.. so very unattractive.
pat: i really like u athina
me: umm, ya i like u as a friend.
by deenie June 19, 2004
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funny ass show. its pretty lame, but i get addicted to the stories cause they are funny when they fight and flip out about nothing or get so drunk they almost die. i thought it was soooo fuckin funny on chapelle show where they had the 5 crazy black people and a white guy. like how in the MTV real world they have a house full of 5 crazy white people and a black or spanish person.
lmao did u guys see the episode with frankie and randy when she was yelling at him and he's like TALK TO ME ANOTHER TIME WHEN IM NOT DRUNK and shes like YOUR ALWAYS DRUNK!! and then he flipped and he was like DONT SAY IM ALWAYS DRUNK CAUSE THAT MEANS IM A ALCHOHOLIC AND IF U SAY THAT TO ME I WILL CRY. omg i was laughing so hard.
by deenie June 19, 2004
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