15 definitions by declanisromped

1. A dismissive and sometimes aggressive response to an insult, order, question, or statement. Used, to my knowledge, mainly in Central Australia. Literally means "how about you?" or "it is, in fact, you" or "how about questioning yourself instead of me, my friend, my girlfriend, my parents etc?"

2.Can also express amazement, excitement, or disbelief at an individual.

3. Can be used to aknowledge a person's presence. (often spoken very quickly)

4. Recently replaced(sometimes) with the soulja boy lyric: "YOOOUUUUUU!!!!" - accompanied with an index finger pointed at the intended person
1. "Dude you're a complete and utter fuckwit. What did you steal Sean's bottle of vodka for?" response: "You now".

2. "Hey mate I just won 4 Million dollars in the lottery!" response: "You Now!!"

3. Walkng into a party: "You now tim, you now grace, you now lachy etc."

4. "Oi man, give us a drag of your durrie" response: "YOOOUUU!!!" a la soldier boy crank that
by declanisromped April 21, 2008
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A shortened form of nothing. But adopted, at least in central australia, to also mean no one. Also replaces no as a prefix as in "Nuth-one" for no-one. Note: Everynuth is a way of expressing nuth/no very strongly.. as in do u like soulja boy? EveryNUTH!
Hey man did u buy any smokes? Nuth
Did anyone come over last night? Nuth
Who are u with? Nuth-one
by declanisromped April 20, 2008
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orig. - To be "off one's lips" (see off guts)
1. to have consumed so much of a mind-altering substance ie. alcohol and/or drugs that one appears "fucked" to those around them. However, "lipless" usually connotes positivity rather than negativity... ie. the person has not yet thrown up, passed out or said they feel like doing so. They may be running around naked, starting fights, staring at their hands, talking shit etc.
"Dude, i drank a bottle and a half of vodka... i was positively lipless!"
by declanisromped April 23, 2008
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(Verb) To smoke a very large quantity of marijuana. Can be extended to the adjective romped as in stoned or to describe someones behaviour or appearence.
We just had the fattest romp!
This bloke has got romped eyes.
You were acting soo romped on saturday night
Man i'm fucking romped
by declanisromped April 20, 2008
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a derivitive of every - both words meaning:

1. The opposite to nuth
2. yes
3. hell yes
4. lots
5. everyone
6. indeed
7. (adjective)meaning very
1. tim: give me a durrie
declan: nuth
tim: ev
tim: ev
and so on...

2. "do you wanna go round to scrim rad neddie's place?"

3. "do you want to go round to scrim rad neddie's place for a phat romp?"

4. "How much sugar do you have in your coffee?"
"I have ev sugar in my coffee"

5. "Who is at the party?"
"Ev" or "Ev cunt"

6. "Did you really sleep with her??"

7. "How stoned are you?"
by declanisromped April 22, 2008
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(noun) A slang word for "Clear Eyes", a brand of eyedrops designed to make someones eyes look normal. Often used by young people who smoke marijuana to avoid being caught by parents, teachers etc.
Whose got clearies? Mum will be pissed if i rock up looking stoned!
by declanisromped April 20, 2008
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The boganvilia is a native Australian flower. Boganvilia street is a euphamism for a place where a lot of bogans live.
I moved house and now all i see is dickheads in blue wife-beaters and footy shorts and ug boots pushing their toddlers round in shopping trolleys - its like living in boganvilia street
by declanisromped April 24, 2008
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