8 definitions by deadwait

Noun, See Acid-Crunk :

A type of dance music created by dubbing together Tivo/DVR recordings of audio from TV programs on BET and SciFi channels. Usually mixed by white boys while drunk and playing XboX Live! See: Crunk, Drunk, XboX, Acid, Whiteboy
OMG, I went to a club last night and danced to acid crunk and totally heard samples from BET and some crappy SciFi shows, all dubbed w/ some white boy yelling game lingo while playing what sounded like call of duty 4!
by deadwait October 1, 2009
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sifi(SciFi) + BET (sound effects and music recorded via DVR/Tivo) dubbed by a drunk white dude while playing XboX Live!
Dude, I was playing call of duty of duty 4 last night, and spliffed up some phat Acid-Crunk from tracks off my Tivo!
by deadwait October 1, 2009
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sifi(SciFi) + BET (sound effects and music recorded via DVR/Tivo) dubbed by a drunk white dude while playing XboX Live!
Dude, I was playing call of duty of duty 4 last night, and spliffed up some phat Acid-Crunk from tracks off my Tivo!
by deadwait October 1, 2009
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Koog-s. A group or pack of cougers, usually lead by the Cougula or alpha-couger. Mature women that prowl through 18+ clubs, resteraunts, and grocery stores in search of young men. See cub, Whole-Foods
Dude, I went to Whole-Foods and there were hella cougs there! One of them, I think it was the Cougula, bought me a sandwhiche and then gave me a ride in her red convertable!
by deadwait March 1, 2009
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koog-u-luh. Leader of a pack of cougers. Gets first pick from the evening's availible cubs. See cub, cougs, couger, alpha-couger
Look at that table of cougs, their Cougula just picked up that 19 year old cub and bought him a drink from the bar. Now that the alpha-couger has made her selection, the rest of the older ladies are free to prowl on the other young men here. We better leave, sorry cougs!
by deadwait March 1, 2009
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a term used to describe a live-in sexual partner w/out publicly admitting a committed relation. Commonly used at bars when attempting to gain a new sexual partner when questioned about a current one. Used by both men and women, most commonly heard in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Oh.. She's just my room-mate.

OMG, he tells everyone we're room-mates, can you believe that?

Hey, wanna come over to my place? My room-mate is out of town.

Me and my room-mate need to get a bigger bed, she keeps getting fatter!
by deadwait March 1, 2009
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A term used to describe a non-live-in sexual partner w/out publicly admitting a committed relation. Similar to room-mate w/ the exception that each partner maintains a separate residence, generally w/in close proximity to each other. Commonly used at bars when attempting to gain a new sexual partner when questioned about a current one. Used by both men and women, most commonly heard in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Sorry I missed your call.. i was having diner w/ my neighbor.

OMG, so I've been hanging out w/ my neighbor, and he just asked if I'd be his room-mate!

I can't go out to night, I'm going to the movies w/ my neighbor.

Oh.. she's just my neighbor.
by deadwait March 8, 2009
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