28 definitions by daz

Owning hair and/or Facial hair that frankly looks bollock poor.
Instantly you could tell he was a nobhead just by his Voller.

Look at the Voller on him! He looks like he's been combing his hair with a flymo!
by daz September 22, 2004
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its the fellin u get wen u get ur mega drive bk
n uve finaly played on streets ov rage agen
n then u stay up till 1/2 2 in the mornin playin mortal kombat 1 n 2 and power rangers
as seen abouv . it can not be discribed only exaples ov it given as it is a feeling
by daz April 5, 2004
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Sexiest alien ever. A six-limbed raptor bristling with scythes. Great for eviscerating marines, but sucks against fire and energy swords. A very popular creature from Starcraft.
Nydus to base + mass zerglings + full upgrades = cheapest. win. ever.
by daz April 14, 2005
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Is a fine lookn lad with a verry big iq
by daz September 1, 2003
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Hazaah is a type of onomatopoeia, devised while me and my friends were doing bugsy malone. It is used to show a group celebration about a particular event.

One person announces, "Hazaah for "insert object/name here" and then in responce, everyone shouts out "Hazaah!" in a celebrating type fashion.

This celebration is reserved only for males. If any femenists are reading this, then dont get too offended, just go and invent your own celebration
Darren:"Hazaah for hitting one of the staff with a custard pie!"

Every male: "HAZAAH!"
by daz December 4, 2004
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a dude who lives in kent and shags computers, lil mofo. it never used 2 b a hard drive...
you: hello, u aint been a platty again hav u?
friend: sorry the usb was irresistable
by daz January 4, 2005
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To have sexual relations with a certain person. Shag. Bonk.
How nice is she!? I'd love to clatt her Bovobuar thogg. however she's plain Fexy, I don't stand a chance.

I clatt her all night last night, and when I woke up this morning we Clatt again!

He lied, he said she Clatt him.

Do you want to clatt me?
by daz September 22, 2004
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