467 definitions by david

an underage girl/guy you would fuck, but are too ashamed to say because you'll feel like a pedo.
instead of "i'd fuck her", you say, "she's got potential"
by david March 17, 2004
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Extended: In the most severe of cases the penis has been known to smell like tomatos and explode
Scotts dick wouldn't have exploded but he had to fuck her not once, not twice, but thrice
by david July 30, 2004
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Bastardized form of omg, which is a bastardized form of oh! Often used by Asians with poor English (in my experience), but also used by others
Omgs, maybes I go to the market todays keke
by david March 24, 2005
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this word once meant what "hip" came to mean, and what "phat" or "tha bomb" means today
by david October 31, 2003
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a homosexual male. Usually used as a term of semi-endearment by one gay man to denote another of his kind.
Bruce is such a priss; he is such a little Nellie.
by david December 2, 2003
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I rake at video games. I raked you at basketball yesterday
by david February 28, 2005
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