9 definitions by das.sprache.meister

(Noun) The accidental emoticon which can awkwardly convey an emotion you had no intention of conveying.
I accidentally sent a heart emoticon to my friend's girlfriend, but it was a total emotitypo. I would never usually do that, and now I feel awkward looking at either of them.
by das.sprache.meister March 9, 2015
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noun: a loud cheer ejaculated loudly and involuntarily during a sporting event when one thinks his or her team gained some ground, when it really was a play that favored the other team.
Sitting in the Brazil section of the futbol staduim, Jose emitted a premacheer ejaculation thinking his team's goalie had made the save, when the ball had actually rolled in. The other Brazil fans beat him up for his mistake.
by das.sprache.meister March 23, 2015
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1. When you know how to do something really well, but when you try to show people you suddenly can't seem to do it.
2. When you can do something without thinking about it, but when you consciously engage in said activity, you constantly fail at it.
I tried to show off to my friends how well I could ice skate, but I was struck by an acute case of muscle memory-loss and I fell on my ass. They wouldn't believe that I was ever good at it afterwards.
by das.sprache.meister February 26, 2015
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Noun: A time when your girl comes over late but she just wants to cuddle.
If that girl calls you, and you think it's a booty call, watch out. It might just be a cuddle call.
by das.sprache.meister March 25, 2015
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This word has two meanings which are opposites of each other.
1. (Noun) an imperfection of the skin. Can be caused by things including but not limited to: acne, pimples, rashes, chicken pox, scrapes, and AIDS.
2. (Noun) the state of being of perfect skin. A state of skinperfection.
1. That girl is pretty, but she has one too many skinperfection.
2. After my acne-filled teenaged years, I entered ten blissful years of skinperfection.
by das.sprache.meister March 8, 2015
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1. A streak of random luck for someone who doesn't deserve it.
2. A person who gets lucky without deserving it.
Look at that complete cluster luck who won the lottery! I guess Lady Luck really is blind, because that guy is a complete prick.
by das.sprache.meister March 8, 2015
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A person who is obsessed with defining new words, possibly on Urban Dictionary. A lexicographile may or may not derive sexual enjoyment from said activity. Combination of 'lexicography' (the art of dictionary-writing), and the Greek suffix '-philia' (love of).
You see that guy typing away on his computer? He's a total creep, defining words online all the time. I think he has a bad case of lexicographilia. He's a lexicographile.
by das.sprache.meister February 26, 2015
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