6 definitions by dannyboi

A gadget used to dive deep into some ones anal cavity and give them some sort a sexual pleasure.
"Oooooooooo that anal probe is soooooooo GOOOOOOOOODDDD "(moans)
by dannyboi June 19, 2006
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when, at night you reach out for the vaselene, and pick up the vicks vapour rub instead!!
example given above, as i sed, when, at night you reach out for the vaselene, and pick up the vicks vapour rub instead!!
by dannyboi April 18, 2005
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Light harted insult used in a joking way
Oi you shitty arsed SCRET, or just say scret repetly
by dannyboi October 28, 2004
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A person with a rather deranged and deformed nose
"Errrrrrr look at that mint card its like a lil mountain"
"Thats sick, I could proberly fix it with a hammer though"
by dannyboi June 19, 2006
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A name given to a ginger person.
Ginger boy: "Alrite!"
Random: "Yer I'm gd cheetos"
by dannyboi June 20, 2006
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