1 definition by daft-guy

/ skreut. adj. A person with no ambition to better themselves, happy to sponge off the state / welfare system. A social leech. Often of little intelligence or poorly educated, but unaware of their limitations. Occurs within all social age groups (they are living longer despite out efforts to poison with alcohol or tobacco). Often one family member may have held employment within local manual labour sector, and will endeavor to wash at least fortnightly. Their offspring however see no reason to contribute to society, except only to burden it further with their own ferrel inter-related produce.
Due to their social habits and needs scroats are often founds in groups or packs. They have complex interwoven family / community structures which are fiercely territorial. When not in their own social housing area the males can be found looking for anything of value not bolted down. Often congregate outside suppliers of cheap alcohol, betting shops, or post offices (when collecting their benefits). The females however favor pregnancy as a means to securing housing or greater financial income.
by daft-guy August 20, 2009
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