44 definitions by da trick biatch

when a man is so fat, his belly hangs down further than his dick does.
look at that man. he has dick-do disease! his gut hangs down further than his dick does!
by da trick biatch May 10, 2006
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the inbred got their truck repossesed! HAHAHA!!!!
by da trick biatch November 26, 2005
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a guy who tries to act strait, but everyone around him knows he is a queer.
timmy tries to act straight, but we all know he and brookshire fucked! he is definately livin' a lie!
by da trick biatch December 29, 2005
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when its really cold, and your nipples get super hard, theyre like tic tacs. pretty much self-explanitory!
it's so fuckin' cold i got tic tac titties!
by da trick biatch November 26, 2005
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when a slutty woman has a baby and has no idea who its father is.often seen on the maury povich show, MAURY.so many men have jizzed in her, the result is a soup baby.
omg! did you see that slut and her soup baby on MAURY today? she tested 13 men, and none of them were the father!
by da trick biatch February 10, 2006
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a natural body of water used by all the cool kids in a given area. uncool kids aren't welcome there, and if they go to the swimming hole, they are often beat down. its much better than a pool, as there is no supervision! a great place to party on hot summer nights! way better than a field party, because you can swim and still have a huge bonfire!
meet us at the swimming hole at dark-thirty!
by da trick biatch June 1, 2006
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the big purple guy from mickey d's. he is actually supposed to represent a tastebud. imagine that!
a costumed guy dressed as the grimace knocked down a small child in the parking lot. hilarity ensued...
by da trick biatch January 17, 2006
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