21 definitions by da hood'

The first thing you should go for in a fight! try taking a sharp object and when they lunge at you duck down and slash their achilles tendon wide open. You have won the fight and now have them 100% under your control.
that would really, really hurt but its an effective method.
by da hood' January 3, 2005
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whats usually heard in a parking lot, coming from a very unhappy person slashing someone paint job on their car.
leroy: bitch what you doin to my car?!

Shanaynay: i told yo ass to stop fuckin around with shaniqua! now im gonna come cut yo ass!

Leroy: oh shit! bitch you betta not!

*leroy is cut*
by da hood' June 21, 2004
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what it sounded like when the guards broke jesus' nose and yanked it outward in a funny position and this is why jews have huge noses today!
crack! AHHHH! Crack! AHHHHH Crack! AHHHHHH! Crack! AHHHH!
by da hood' January 16, 2005
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what happened to St Peter because he was acting like a shithead.
nail! AHHHHH! Nail! AHHHHH! Kathwap! AHHHH!
by da hood' January 16, 2005
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Someone who is real. I gaurentee his existence.....

The only reason i now believe in god is because Jesus himself came to my house last night. He slapped me with his slippery, flopping cock while i was taking the trash out. He then molested me and said if i told anyone hed kill me! I agreed not to tell but he didnt believe me so he pulled out his rusty looking filet knife and tried to gut me with it! I took off and was shot several times. Thats the last i saw of him......
hes real! repent sinners for you may get a cock in the head if you do not!
by da hood' November 20, 2004
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What people always shout to others while theyre alive but at their funeral, you rarely hear anything but nice compliments. Just once id like to see osmone at a funeral say "This guy was a greedy fuckface and i sure hope that his death hurt him in extreme ways, fuck you you son of a bitch, rot in hell!" and then spit o nthe corpse so the wrinkled odl women at them can make fainting noises and pass out.
rot in hell you bastard!
by da hood' January 3, 2005
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A holiday that is molested by the jewelry companies. Commercials will state " if you love her, youll buy her this expensive ring that you cant afford. Go on! Buy the girl you just met 5 days ago a nine thousand dollar ring!" And then rough, pruny looking housewives with too much makeup on remark to their husbands that "Christmas is just around the corner" assuming that their husbands are gonna do shit for them on christmas except for get fucked up and shout at their parents. 17 year old kids also ask their parents "What santa is going to bring them this year" in a greedy attempt to obtain an expensive car that if they had a JOB they could have.
christmas is a fuckin stupid holiday. and so ARE CHRSTIANS! FUCK ALL OF YA!
by da hood' November 14, 2004
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