5 definitions by cx13

A day that will live in infamy in Whole Foods Market Dairy history.

The eye of Hurricane Shawn shows its face in the form of 12 pallets, and milk crates taller than most skyscrapers.

On this day Hurricane Shawn took guitarist Jonesy's shoulder, sent Alex to the Army, forced Garvin to transfer stores, and made two Team Members lose their green cards..... on purpose.

A day that TM Alamin says made the tsunami look like child's play.
"I survived Hurricane Shawn and all I got was this lousy Free Lunch coupon"

"June 16 makes baby Jesus cry"

"Hurricane Shawn > Hurricane Charlie"
by cx13 June 21, 2006
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The sixth position in baseball between second and third base.

1 - Pitcher, 2 - Catcher, 3 - First Base, 4 - Second base, 5 - Third Base, 6 - Shortstop, 7 - Left Field, 8- Center Field, 9 - Right Field.
The Yankee's best SS right now is playing third base.
by cx13 April 6, 2006
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Nothing like having Jonesy stop by your job with a bottle of Jameson to make some Irish Coffees on St. Pattys.
by cx13 June 5, 2006
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Short for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a nerd's worst nightmare.

Can happen when you play video/computer games or just typing for way too long. Can cause significant pain, and numbness in the median nerve of the wrist.
Kyle: Ahh! Ahh!
Stan: Kyle? Kyle? Dude, what's wrong?
Kyle: Carpal tunnel, carpal tunnel! it's aahhh!
Stan: Oh Jesus, he's got it bad.
Cartman: Quick, we need Bengay.
by cx13 October 6, 2006
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Short for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a nerd's worst nightmare.

Can happen when you play video/computer games or just typing for way too long. Can cause significant pain, and numbness in the median nerve of the wrist.
Kyle: Ahh! ahh!
Stan: Kyle? Kyle? Dude, what's wrong?
Kyle: Carpal tunnel, carpal tunnel! it's aahhh!
Stan: Oh Jesus, he's got it bad.
Cartman: Quick, we need Bengay.
by cx13 October 5, 2006
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