17 definitions by curt

A website where n00bs thrive and strict rules make things suck. No one has fun because they are not as cool as the people from pbnation.
Dude, I went to pbreview and got banned cuz I was having fun.
by curt February 26, 2005
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is a 4 door car (v.s. a 2 door car reffered to as a coupe)
Last nights party ended ubruptly in the back seat of the sedan with the sheriff in the front seat.
by curt April 6, 2005
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an alternative to ",yo"
instead of "what da deal, yo?" you could use "what da deal, m00?"

Corny but i've been seeing this a lot
by curt May 27, 2004
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a arty preson who wares lowpants an is blackhaired studdedbelted and weres tight t'shirts and writes pomes
curt you emofag
by curt September 6, 2003
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when two internet people fall in love (awwwwwee *gag*)they sometimes "hugg-o" eachother
InternetDude: Awweee i r luffers yew *hugg-o*
InternetChick: Awweesesfy&EY@&)#^@&#@#@ I R luffers you back! *hugg-o x2!*
by curt May 29, 2004
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comes from the acronym W.A.F.U. which stands for "Women Are Fucked Up" the condition that universally applies to all females, and is the only explanation needed to make sense of any illogical or otherwise insane behavior they frequently exhibit.
Dave: So yeah, my girlfriend broke up with me, and now shes back with her ex who beats her.
Frank: Wafu man, wafu.
by curt October 2, 2004
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a very fat ankle that is just an extension of your calf.
gwenith paltrow in Shallow Hal
by curt December 5, 2002
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