73 definitions by croatalin

A breast, boob or tit. Although found in the singular form it is most frequently used as a plural, Charlies.
"Look at the Charlies on that!"
"Well, we'd just finished bonking and I was lying on me back at peace with the world and she turned over quick and I got a charlie right in the chops!"
by croatalin September 8, 2013
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This is where a male person has sex with a woman of advanced age, quite literally old enough to be his granny. There is no love involved, it is usually done for a bet or some other reason. If the woman is rich or a celebrity, the male becomes known as a 'toy-boy'. If a woman indulges in a graveyard fuck, it's invariably with a man who is rich and powerful and she expects marriage to result. She's in it purely for the money so I suppose that makes her a whore and therefore it's not really a graveyard fuck..
Look at that old bat blowin' kisses at Jed!
Well, that's what happens when you get pissed and have a graveyard fuck.
by croatalin February 18, 2014
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British army slang acronym from just after the Second World War and stands for Balls, Bum and Armpits. This referred to the areas washed when speed is of the essence or water in short supply, somewhat similar to an airplane bath. Extremely common during the 1950s when National Service was compulsory for all British males between the ages of 17 and 21, the BBA was reintroduced to the public conciousness by author Jonathan Gash in his Lovejoy novels.
Right, a quick BBA and I'm off on the piss!
by croatalin April 24, 2014
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British Army slang in use before the Second World War, a sand rat is a whore, hooker or prostitute in a seaside town. They became known as sand rats because, like rats, they only came out after dark and would take their clients down to the beach for sex on the sand.
A British squaddie going on leave might say to his mates, "Right, I've got me 'water wings and calamine' and I'm off to play with the sand rats."
Note Water wings and calamine referred to condoms and barrier cream issued to soldiers to try to reduce the risk of them contracting STD.
by croatalin November 30, 2013
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Grizzling is a particularly repulsive form of crying; usually done by children but sometimes by adults particularly molly piss men. It's a thoroughly unpleasant whinging, whining, bout of self-pity accompanied by oceans of tears, a swollen face and large dribbles of snot. The person doing the grizzling expects sympathy and hugs but should be kept beyond arms reach with a forked vermin stick and consigned to a distant planet at the earliest opportunity.
Malcolm's grizzling again!
Thank fuck I'm off to the States this afternoon!
by croatalin February 1, 2014
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Although usually used as a description of an unpleasant, obnoxious twit or the foot wrappings used in place of socks, it is also used to described dried, salted cod because of its strong unpleasant smell. By extension it was also used to describe other things with a strong unpleasant fishy smell.
Dave, I heard you dumped Millie, I thought you were going to give her one.
Nah! I got her clouts off and her min smelled like a load of old toe rag so I left it.
by croatalin October 27, 2013
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A renifleur is someone, can be male or female, who gets sexual pleasure from smells. This can be triggered by a particular smell which is why males and females can be more sexually receptive when a certain perfume or after shave is used. In very rare cases it can be triggered by ordinary, everyday, common smells which means that the subject must be kept in a sterile, odour-free environment.
Have you smelled the stench coming off Malcolm? He's enough to make the most ardent renifleur get nose plugs!
by croatalin December 31, 2014
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