17 definitions by crimson

A player who may or may not be new to a game, but insists on doing brainless things, especially things that hinder the team. Those who are defined as "n00bs" will also refuse to listen to words of wisdom or, even worse, berate those who try to help.
j00 n00b I'm going to report you to n00bstories.com
by crimson February 2, 2004
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A creative, intelligent and otherwise interesting writer that has a penchant for spouting off useless barble when provoked. Lives in Missouri and will one day become emperor of the world.
"Did you hear about Dee Bug?"
"Yeah, I already sold my soul to her."
by crimson September 14, 2004
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A highly agressive softshell turtle that lives in Dee Bug's bedroom and tries to eat human fingers.
"Stop biting me, Squishy, it's rude."
by crimson September 14, 2004
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A word often used when cut off in traffic or shocked into a state where once would usually say "oh shit". Also a contradiction in terms.
Car: Swerves
You: Holy Hell on Wheels!
by crimson September 14, 2004
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An ancient Christian mythological artifact. The Spear of Destiny refers to the legendary spear point that was used to kill Jesus on the cross at the hands of a Roman soldier. Passed down through history, this artifact purportedly bestows supernatural powers upon the weilder. It is sometimes believed to be a focus for the powers of evil, as in the 2005 film, "Constantine."

The fictional artifact disappeared after WWII. However, an actual artifact of this description has been scientifically examined during contemporary times and found to have originated many centuries later than legend claimed.
The Spear of Destiny in his hand, the man became posessed by evil and indefeatable.
by crimson February 21, 2005
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any amount of money allowing infinite perpetuation of wealth necessary to maintain a desired lifestyle without needing employment or assistance from anyone.
The 6% guaranteed interest payments from Bill's investments earn him about 12 million dollars per year. His standard of living only requires approximately $4,000,000 per year. He will never need to be employed by anyone. He has "fuck you money".
by crimson May 4, 2003
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one who ingages in the act of "playing" with somebodys abdomen, in a playfull maner
"man i hate assplay"
by crimson October 14, 2003
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