1 definition by crackluiscabron

Lowkey means to keep a secret or if you did something and did not tell anyone. Lowkey can be compared to a secret because you know something that usually no one knows. The contrast of Lowkey is the truth, because it will no longer be Lowkey if everyone knows. An analysis of Lowkey is, when you hear something bad from another person or if you did something bad that is affecting another person. For example, my cousin has been going through a bad relationship with his wife. She was caught by him sending messages to another guy. He then talked to her about it, and seemed to settle down. But then he told me that he another girl, who really liked him. They felt a connection between each other and now they really like each other, and started to spend more time together, but without anyone knowing. He told me about what is going on and told me to keep it Lowkey, because no one can find out. If his wife were to find out she would then leave him and take the kids away from him. Something that is lowkey should not be told to anyone because it is something usually hard that will affect someone else. When you tell someone to keep something Lowkey then that means you trust that person won’t tell anyone. Lowkey plays a part everywhere now a day because everyone has a secret that no one know, but then of course you have those people running around talking about others secrets, and those are the ones called Highkey because they don’t keep their mouth shut.
Two girls were lowkey talking bad about their friends.
by crackluiscabron May 2, 2017
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