11 definitions by cpoc

An expulsion of vaginal gas. See queef.
Well, it was my first time, and I couldn't figure out where the clit was, and suddenly she lets out this cooter pooter and I'm like, "Whoa, what the hell was that?" It was crazy, man.
by cpoc February 18, 2004
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A young caucasian male with horrible acne. Every word that comes out of his mouth pisses you off and he acts like a dumbass all the time. The proper greeting for this type of individual is to say "Ch-ch-ch-cheese-bur-ger!" in the same style that 50 Cent says G-Unit.
"What's up, dog?"
"Shut the fuck up, cheeseburger."
by cpoc December 5, 2003
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An extremely painful action done to an unsuspecting male. Involves the rapid slapping of the region between the legs with the back of the hand. Often performed by assholes who think they're being funny (or friendly, in which case the victim should run, if able.)
"Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you, you stupid asshole?"
"My grandpa enjoyed it."
by cpoc December 9, 2003
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The quality or state of a scrotum after it has fallen victim to a pecker pat. Also a bastardization of the name "Pocsik," usually by some fat bitch over a microphone.
"Last call for a Mr. Pinksack. Coleman Pinksack, if you are still in the building, please come to the office."
by cpoc December 9, 2003
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