42 definitions by cpetkunas

A negligible amount. Something that makes little difference. This is especially considering the amount of wealth a rich person has to the amount of spending they do seem to the average person unattainable.
That 40 million dollar home Bill Gates purchased is just a drop in the bucket since he is billionaire many times over.
by cpetkunas December 5, 2020
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People in the gym that think they're in great shape striking poses constantly in the mirror and or for selfie pictures. What's funny is when you try not to laugh when you witness them doing this.
Dammit, that gym poser messed up my set because he made me laugh with that posing.
by cpetkunas March 2, 2019
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A woman with no backbone in a controlled relationship by a partner who uses and abuses her. The woman may try to leave the abusive relationship but has low self-esteem to do so. The abuser on the other hand will take advantage of this type of woman because they allow them to. The woman may want to leave but are afraid or accept the abuse.
Bill has a kept woman. He never lets her out of the house with her friends.
by cpetkunas October 13, 2020
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A person you work with that's an idiot that shouldn't have been hired in the first place. They're told to do the simplest task and look at you like they don't know what you're talking about.
Dumb: Hey Lloyd, sweep the aisles today.
Dumber: Harry, what are aisles?
Dumb: Fuck Lloyd! I'm the dumber of us two but you're the dumber, you work idiot.
by cpetkunas February 20, 2023
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Dry stupid joke humor rip off of another saying two wrongs don't make a right. The joke is two Chinese people (the Wongs) if they had a child together, will not produce a white child.
This Asian comic told the stupidest joke, "two wongs don't make a white", and nobody laughed.
by cpetkunas July 6, 2020
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Any kind of stink, body odor, sweat, dirt, grime accumulated on your body from a long hards day of work.
Dude, you look filthy and you smell like shit. Do everyone a favor and wash that work stink off.
by cpetkunas March 1, 2022
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Overly used phrase when a simple "thank you" will suffice. It's improper grammar is popular over the proper grammar "thank you very much".
by cpetkunas March 1, 2019
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