10 definitions by coryinc

Japanese for "crazy".
Generally more offensive than the English usage of the word.
Sono kangaroo wa kichigai da yo!
"That kangaroo is crazy!"
by coryinc September 26, 2006
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The act of riding one's nose of nasal debris using only a nose, a lung and a finger.
Can be summarised in 3 quick and easy steps:
1. Block left nostril
2. Tilt head to the left slightly (to avoid debris)
3. Blow. Hard.
Repeat process for right nostril. Then repeat until mucus has been ejected from nasal cavity.
If bleeding occurs, consult your crack supplier.
Not blowing hard enough will result in mucus swinging back to hit you in the lip, cheek or possibly chin.
Not recommended for use in overly public or indoor areas.
Billy didn't have a tissue handy, but a quick bushman's blow was all that he needed to rid himself of that pesky snot flow.
by coryinc September 26, 2006
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A channel airing shows ranging from history to biology.
All documentary-type footage.
Severely underrated by people, probably due to the fact that the words are too big and the content to real for the average dipshit to comprehend.
Joe: Man, did you watch the Discovery Channel last night?

Bob: Nah, I can't understand all those words they use... Like "ape" and "Egypt". It's like a code to me.

Joe: You fucking dumb shit.
by coryinc September 26, 2006
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