23 definitions by coozehound72

A reference to a man's jizz-load or load of cum after it's been subsequently ejaculated into a woman's mouth/throat and swallowed down her gullet.

If the jizz-burst is spat or puked out, it can no longer be called 'swallowage', it would the be called 'jizz-spat' or 'spattage'.
Chick: 'Babe, I'm really enjoying that swallowage! Hit the spot!'
Guy: 'My pleasure, chicken-tits, let me know if you're hungry again in 30 mins. or so, happy to oblige!'
Chick: 'Ok, babe, thanks for the snack!'
by coozehound72 August 17, 2010
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A term of endearment, used in reference to one's female partner after the act of ejaculating on her breasts.
Guy: 'Like 'at pearl necklace I dun' gave you there, slippery-tits?'
Girl: 'Oh, yes, it's beautiful actually! Thanks soooooo, sooooo much, babe! When can I have another???'
by coozehound72 August 17, 2010
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Derogatory slang-term usually used by men whilst drinking in bars, but could be used in any conversation between men or dyke lesbians, referencing a trashy-looking, low-rent sort of woman with blonde hair. Possibly more used in the South than other parts of the U.S.
'Sure as hell would like to tap that blond-ho at the end of the bar, she looks like a swallower.
by coozehound72 August 17, 2010
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This is what you call your cock after it's been in someone's ass, male or female, and has a bit of poo or shit encrusted on it.
Check out my assy-cock, babe, that poop came from YOUR asshole, can you believe it??? Weird!!!
by coozehound72 August 24, 2010
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An adjective defining the feeling a man has after receiving an incredibly glorious blow-job, in which the woman usually swallows his load hungrily and smiles, maybe laughs or even giggles about the swallowage.

Can be used in other arenas as well, not just pertaining to 'post-B.J.' situations. Usually in reference to expectations of a chick or group of chicks by a group of guys in a bar or other venue where alcoholic beverages are purveyed.
Girl: 'Glug, glug, glug, slurp....smack'
Guy: 'Wow, babe, that was soooooo fuckin' knob-slobberific!'
Girl: 'For me too! Thanks for the protein-shake! Yummy and salty!'

Buddy #1: 'Those chicks look kinda knob-slobberific, bro!'
Buddy #2: 'Yeah, except for the chick with the pancake-tits and horse-teeth'
Buddy #3: 'Soooo right, man, those teeth could grate cheese'
by coozehound72 August 17, 2010
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The opposite of 'swallowage'. The act of spitting out, instead of swallowing, a man's jizz-load or cum, after a man ejaculates into a woman's(or man's) mouth, during the act of fellatio or getting a B.J.. Yet, sometimes, accompanied by vomit, as the jizz has actually been ingested and then puked out. Almost synonymous with jizz-spat, though jizz-spat is more of an immediate reaction of spitting out the cum before it reaches the person's stomach.
Girl: 'Slob, slob, slob, slurp, glump, glurg, gulp, CACK!!!'
Guy: 'Hey, slag-face, what's up, no swallowage???

Girl: 'Ewwww, no WAY!!! I would never do something gross like that!'
Guy: 'Well, then, you'd better clean up all that spattage on my expensive shag rug, along with that period blood....slag.'
by coozehound72 August 17, 2010
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The act of explosively jissoming or cumming, most often in reference to a man, but, in the case of a woman who squirts, a squirter, this term could possibly be used. Denotes a copious amount of jizz or cum ejaculating from either a male or female's genital orifice.
Girl: 'Nom, nom, nom, nom, gurgle, glug, slurp, guzzle, gulp...aaahhhh'
Guy: 'Hooooooweee, how'd you like my 'jizz-burst' down your throat, baby?'
Girl: 'Well, it was kind of runny and salty and there was a whole lot of it actually, ummmm, I'm kinda full now and feelin' a little queasy, mind if I run to the rest-room real quick?'
Guy: 'Naw, go on ahead, bebe, run along now!'
Girl: 'Bleechh'(sound of puking coming from restroom from such a huge load in her stomach and all)
by coozehound72 August 18, 2010
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